Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here it is, the last day of the year. What are we doing today? We are scrambling around trying to get things done so we can rest before Jeremy's gig tonight. Dear Paxton has just fallen asleep (oh to be a baby again) and will be at the Fike's this evening. I'm looking forward to an evening of fun and music, but I will miss my little knuffle. Life has changed so much this year! I could go on and on about how different everything is once you have a baby, but really words simply don't do it justice. Suffice it to say, you must experience it to truly understand. And of course, I wouldn't change a thing!
I'm not much of a resolution maker. However, Jan. 1 is often a good "jumping off" point to either get back on track with something or start anew. The craziness of the holiday is over, and there is nothing but cold winter to worry about for awhile. Perfect time to focus inward and do a few "me" things. That's essentially my a few things for me this year. Nothing major, just some little things to keep the sanity in check. Plus, the healthier and happier I am, the better mother and wife I can be.
Speaking of healthy, today is the last day to register early for the Pittsburgh Race for the Cure and save $5.00. It's our yearly Mother's Day tradition and we will be keeping it again this year. If you don't have a Mother's Day tradition or just want to experience something new and awe inspiring, come check it out! Here is the link:

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jumping In

Well, I'm a complete novice at this whole blogging thing, so this will be a work in progress. As are most things in my life, it will be interesting to look back at this a year from now and see how far it's come.

So why am I doing this you ask? Mostly as a venue for all of the pictures I've been taking with my new camera. I'm hoping it will force me to learn how to properly use the camera and become a better photographer. I haven't taken the time to really learn a new hobby in awhile and I feel like now is the time.

Now if I could just get on the computer where the pictures are.....