Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh Danny Boy....

The pipes, the pipes are calling....
At Friendship Hill....and across the big meadow.....
(sing it in your head or out loud if you want)
Yesterday Jeremy, Paxton and I decided to go for a walk at Friendship Hill. "Bring your camera" says Jeremy. I was already walking out the door and had my hands full of diaper bag stuff, so I decided not to this time (HUGE MISTAKE) thinking "I've taken lots of pics there, probably won't see anything new today." Dumb.
Of course as Murphy's Law would decree, we pull into to the parking lot and lo and behold, there is a guy there who is practicing his bagpipes. Nope, not kidding. If I would've listened to my husband I would now have a lovely photo to share with you of this interesting sight, so just imagine a guy in shorts and a gray t-shirt walking around with some bag pipes and playing some tunes.
What I can't capture with a photo is how surreal it was to hear the echo of the pipes across the vast field as we walked through the park. There is something kind of magical about their sound that is hard to describe. Maybe it's the Scotch/Irish blood in me that begins to stir. Who knows....

Friday, April 9, 2010

Little Miss Personality


Paxton's favorite sippy cup

Playing outside at Papa's house

Dressed for Easter

Miss Paxton has been very entertaining as of late. She's had some big changes going on and she has just been so much fun! The big things are 1. walking (ok, cruising) and 2. personality. The second one is really amazing. She reacts to things now more emotionally, whether it's laughter or displeasure. For example, when she hears the monkey sound on her zoo toy she laughs and makes it back. Conversely when we tell her "no" she makes a pouty face and sometimes even sheds a tear or two. She definitely understands no now, and (so far) actually obeys! I was amazed the first time that worked. She's also getting quite adept at her sippy cup and has been exploring the food range a little more. Tonight she ate exactly what we did (tilapia, brown rice and broccoli) just pureed and with a little breast milk and she LOVED it! That makes momma happy. She also does funny stuff. Lately it's all about imitation. She likes to imitate the monkey and bark at the dog. She claps when we clap and sings along with us a lot too. She likes to sing in the bath tub (very loudly!!) and babbles along when "reading" a book. Physically there are big changes too. She can get pretty much anywhere she wants to go now which is good and bad. Today at the baby sitters she climbed into a little rocking chair and rocked back and forth for awhile. That's good. Later at home she crawled into the kitchen while we were fixing dinner which is sort of good, but there were a lot of "no's" being issued when she was checking out the trash can, cabinets, etc. Pouting ensued for a bit, but she recovered. This is shaping up to be a really fun age with her although I feel the twinge of sadness at seeing infanthood coming to an end.