It is a very late Sunday night and I have been inspired to do some photo editing and such. You get to see some of the results right here! The heading of this blog is my new favorite photo. I explored some things in photoshop elements that I had never tried before and "wha-la", here you go. Nothing terribly difficult, I just hadn't taken the time and I'm just not that familiar with the program. Someone that uses it all the time could do this VERY quickly.
Paxton is growing up quite nicely. She is almost 3 now! We have nearly conquered potty training. We haven't had any "accidents" in quite some time (hopefully not jinxing myself) but sleeping through the night will take longer. Sometimes she wakes up dry, sometimes she doesn't. For you parents out there, you know this is BIG DEAL and understand our joy in not buying diapers anymore.
There has been much drama as of late, but that will be another post at a much earlier time in the day.
Good night!