Friday, February 19, 2010

Beginning to thaw

Jeremy and I actually had to return to the work force today. I am very thankful that we have jobs that give us time off when the weather is bad. It was still rough though. We were pretty spoiled from sleeping in and wearing PJ's most days. It's not like summer vacation where you can actually enjoy being outside with little effort. Paxton seemed happy to see Jean, Sarah, Grace and Seamus (he's the cat) today. She may have been a little tired of only seeing our mugs for the last two weeks! After work, the sun made a rare appearance, so I grabbed the camera to get some pics of our icicles that are beginning to melt. There are some places that have HUGE icicles that I would love to photograph, but I'm a little nervous. I certainly wouldn't want to be around when they come down. Here are some shots of the melting ice.

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