Monday, June 14, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

After 1 year and 8 months, I finally got back on the motorcycle. I think it took as much mental as physical preparation. There are so many issues, mostly riding confidence, but also the whole new added element of concern for another. There is a new fear. What if a car pulls out in front of me? What if I hit an animal? What if there is some loose gravel in a turn? What if??? What is not forgotten, however, is the complete joy I felt when riding. The sense of freedom and relaxation finally became great enough that I was able to overcome the fears that were gripping me. I began small, just a ride to work and back, but it was a huge step for me. On a more humorous note, the "trying on" of gear that used to fit was frustrating. At least I have some new motivation to continue the diet and exercise. Those leather pants and jacket cost too much to throw out because I weigh a little too much! At the end of the day, Jeremy and Paxton were waiting for me. Jeremy let Paxton sit on the bike with me and we documented my return to "Biker Mama".

1 comment:

the Provident Woman said...

Congrats on your return to "Biker Mama". Paxton looks adorable sitting on the bike. Completely happy